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March 22, 2019

Minnesota Considers a TCE Ban - FluoSolv® is Chosen as the Safer Alternative plants growing from test tubes

TCE emissions in White Bear Township, Minnesota, have caused public alarm.  TCE, which stands for trichloroethylene, is a human carcinogen and developmental toxin which is still in heavy use in White Bear Township and across the U.S. despite the dangerous chemical being banned in the EU and Sweden for its known risks to human health.  In light of public outcry, the company that was once the largest producer of TCE emissions in White Bear Township has chosen FluoSolv's® line of solvents as a safer alternative. 

Is TCE Dangerous?

TCE is a popular degreasing solvent in the United States because of its cost and efficacy, but TCE poses serious health risks.
  • TCE is a Human Carcinogen
The presence of TCE in the air we breathe has sparked an outcry in affected communities.  TCE emissions from local industries have become such a health risk that legislators are moving to ban TCE altogether in places like Minnesota.
  • TCE causes Genetic Defects
The genetic defects caused by TCE is a cause of concern for parents.  Genetic defects from TCE could cause developmental problems in growing children.  Community members are calling on industries to stop using TCE and other dangerous pollutants.

FluoSolv® is Chosen as Safer Alternative to TCE in White Bear Township

Water Gremlin, a company that makes metal products such as fishing sinkers and electrical contacts for batteries, was formerly the largest producer of airborne TCE emissions in Minnesota’s White Bear Township.  The company has assuaged community concern and regained public trust by switching to FluoSolv's® line of safer solvents as part of a $7 million settlement with Minnesota.  Companies who wish to keep their communities safer while avoiding large penalties are seeking cost-effective and safer FluoSolv® solvents as their alternative to TCE.

Legislation Banning TCE

Legislation to ban dangerous chemicals such as TCE has found support from across the political aisle. It has been long-known that TCE and similar chemicals pose a threat not only to the work-force but to the surrounding community, as well.  For this reason, Minnesota legislators have introduced bills in the Senate and House to ban TCE, with support from Democrats and Republicans alike. This poses an urgent need for over 80 Minnesota manufacturers to choose safer alternatives to TCE.

NuGenTec®: Redefining Chemistry

If you are seeking healthier, more environmentally responsible, and less costly alternatives for your industrial processes, contact NuGenTec today. Click here to learn more about FluoSolv's Safer Alternatives to TCE.